The Beauty of Dr Martens
You may remember that just over a week ago I posted about some of my August purchases, one of which was a pair of boots by Blowfish. Since that post I have only had them on my feet a handful of times, and already both boots are splitting at the sides. I paid over £40 for those boots and I am not impressed – needless to say they are going straight back to the shop for a refund! Though I regret buying them, I must also thank the Blowfish boots for being so terrible, as they have reminded me exactly why I usually wear Dr Martens boots (which I love) religiously throughout Autumn and Winter.
I have been wearing Dr Martens footwear since my childhood. People always say that you never forget your first pair of Dr Martens, and they’re right. I got my first pair in the early 1990s. They were bright red shoes with yellow laces and big, colourful flowers printed all over them. They were garish, but I loved them, and my love for Dr Martens never went away. I currently have five pairs of Dr Martens in my collection, most of which I wear regularly, and these are them…
The styles you see above, starting at the top and going clockwise, are:
- Regina Heeled Boots
- Purple Triumph 1914 Boots
- Black Triumph 1914 Boots
- Purple 1460 Shimmer Boots
- I’ve had this pair for so long I can’t remember what they’re called! Anybody know?
My favourite pair is definitely my purple shimmer boots, which are the latest addition to my collection and my only pair of classic 8-hole Docs.
So, why do I love Dr Martens so much? Allow me to share my reasons…
1. They’re ‘Made in England’
Dr Martens’ air-cushioned soles were invented in Munich, Germany by Dr Martens and Dr Funck, but it was in England (Northamptonshire, in fact) that Dr Martens leather boots were first made for the high street, in 1960 by the Griggs family. Dr Martens soon became popular within youth subcultures and this popularity has grown tremendously over the decades, giving Dr Martens’ boots an iconic image. Dr Martens still manufacture a lot of their boots in England, which makes me proud to be English as they are a brand I have always held very close to my heart.
2. They’re Comfortable
I’ll admit, Dr Martens can cause you some pain when breaking them in (I suggest wearing anticipatory plasters to stop them rubbing), but if you’re willing to put up with a few days of sore feet you will have a pair of boots so comfortable you won’t even know you’re wearing them. The insoles and leather soften, shape and bend with your feet and the air-cushioned (or ‘bouncing’) soles make them light and easy to walk in. As you can probably guess, the specially designed soles contain air which makes them extremely durable and comfortable as they reduce the impact on your feet and ankles when walking.
3. They’re Versatile
Many people still hold the misconception that Dr Martens’ shoes and boots are all black, bulky and worn only by labourers, with the exception of cherry reds, but this is not the case. As you can see in my photographs, and on the Dr Martens website, their range is vast and adorned with many different colours, patterns, styles and designs. There’s a boot there for everybody’s needs, and they can be dressed up or down as you like. I often wear my Dr Martens with girly dresses and tights, skinny jeans and slouchy jumpers or full on hiking gear when I’m out walking, and they look (and feel) good with everything. You can really make a pair of Dr Martens your own, adjusting them to fit your own style and thus making the statement that you want them to make.
4. They’re Long-Lasting
Dr Martens boots are notorious for being hardy, and they really do last a very long time. I’ve been wearing a few of my pairs for over five years, solidly so for two seasons a year, and they’re still going strong. They haven’t split at the sides at all, there are no holes in the soles and they show no sign of giving up any time soon. In fact, with a quick clean and polish they’d probably all look as good as new, but I prefer them to look a bit battered. I used to know somebody who had owned some of her Dr Martens for over twenty years, and she was still wearing them. Amazing!
Many people think that Dr Martens are expensive (mine cost between £75 and £110 each) but for the reasons above they are well worth the price you pay for a pair. Cutting corners and going for a cheaper boot isn’t always a good idea as they rarely last as long as a Dr Marten boot will, so it’s worth investing in one good pair, rather than wasting money on several pairs of lower quality boots! Whether you like them scuffed up like I do, or looking neat and new, you can’t go wrong with a pair of Dr Martens and never again will I stray from the beautiful, trusty brand – I’ve well and truly learnt my lesson!
Do you own any Dr Martens?
Naomi x
I have some of the flat ones (I think that they’re the 1460 ones but I’m not sure) and the Darcie boots. The Darcie boots are super comfortable and I love them, but I can’t get on with my flat ones.
I love the look of your shiny purple ones!
That’s a real shame about the flat ones
What is it about them that you can’t get on with? And the shiny purple ones are my pride and joy! I wear them more often than any other pair of boots that I own.
Naomi x
I have lots of issues with footwear because I walk on my left tiptoe and they’ve scarred my ankles.
I wouldn’t mind getting some of the longer boots though, I really love my Darcie ones!
ok!! those pink boots are amazing!!
Thanks, they are such a lovely colour!
omg love Dr Martens boots! x
They’re amazing, aren’t they?
completely! I grew out of this baby blue pair I had and haven’t gotten any since then. that was like 7 yrs ago! I need to buy new ones!! x
I ❤ docs!!!!!!!! I am lusting after the 14 hole black Vonda boot with the roses stitched up the side, gorg!
Ooh I know the ones you mean, they are beautiful!
The Vondas are gorgeous, aren’t they? I bought them for myself two days ago and they are my first ever pair of Docs. My friends are so jealous of them and they go with pretty much everything in my wardrobe!
I just wanted to say I always look forward to seeing a blog post from you in my reader. ♥ You have a lovely collection of Docs! I’ve always wanted to get a pair, but I’ve yet to splurge and do so. Your love for them is really tempting me, though.
Aww thank you so much! That’s nice of you to say and I’m pleased that you enjoy my posts
If you do decide to buy some Docs you won’t regret it!
Naomi x
I remember when I had a pair! I like this style, I love your article. Xo
Thanks so much! x
hey i have a question:
ive had my brown 1914 triumph boots since early spring, and i have yet to break them in! i dont know if its because i keep my shoes in constant rotation and i am not wearing them as much as i need to be, but i cant get the tall bit on the boot to soften up. when i walk it looks like my calves have a stiff starched dracula collar. not cute.
how did you get yours soft? they look a bit “saggy” (not a bad thing) and thats what id like.
Thanks for your comment
I didn’t really do anything to my Triumph boots to get them to soften up and look ‘saggy’ (I prefer them to look like that too) other than wear them a LOT. The more you walk in them, the softer the backs get – it’s all down to the movement I think! I hope this helps.
Naomi x
[…] purple shimmer Dr Martens boots. As you may have read in this post, I am a Dr Martens addict, and I always look forward to autumn and winter so I can get my big […]
[…] you’ve read this post, you’ll know that I’m a Dr Martens fangirl, and I have been lusting after this […]
I bought my first pair of docs in Virginia Beach 1990-91. Their ox bloods, I still have them and the age has made them look so much better, it give’s them character. I wore them to see the Ramones and Nine Inch Nails at the Boat House in Norfolk, VA. If these boots could talk I would be scared!! LOL!! I still love them just as much. I just order a new pair, pink, and also bought a set of Ramones-“Hey Ho, Let’s Go” laces for them. Thankfully all of it should be here in a couple of days. The wait is excruciating!! I have five or six pairs now. Worth every penny because they last forever and can withstand any sort of hell and discontent you can put them through!!