NOTD: Models Own Green Tea
As promised yesterday in my Models Own Haul post, here is a review of one of the nail varnishes that I bought in the Models Own online sale – Green Tea. I don’t usually like to photograph products indoors or with flash, as the flash usually alters the colour, but strangely enough the only way I could get an accurate representation of the Green Tea shade was with the flash on. For some reason it just wouldn’t photograph well outdoors!
My collection of Models Own varnishes is slowly getting bigger and bigger, and with good reason. As I’ve said before, their varnish formula is fantastic, and Green Tea is no exception. The consistency is just thick enough for it to apply smoothly with no gloopy or runny mess, and the brush is long with a substantial handle which makes application effortlessly easy.
What impressed me the most about this varnish was how quickly it dried. The first coat I applied was quite a thin one, and it was dry to the touch in less than 30 seconds – I genuinely couldn’t believe my eyes! The second coat, which was thicker, took slightly longer to dry, but within a couple of minutes my nails were completely dry. I can only put this down to it being a matte varnish as they do tend to dry quicker in my experience, so you have to work quickly with it to stop it going patchy. It only takes two coats for fully opaque coverage though.
Green Tea is a very bold, earthy green and I have a really big soft spot for this colour, mainly because it reminds me of the poster paints I used to paint with as a child. It has a fun, childlike air to it which makes me happy whenever I look at it, yet at the same time I think it looks quite classy as it lacks the yellow undertone that some green varnishes have, so it isn’t overly bright.
As I mentioned earlier, the varnish has a matte finish which looks fab, but it also looks great with a shiny top coat over the top. The above photograph was taken after a couple of days of wear, without a top coat, and as you can see there is only a little bit of wear to the tips of my nails. In fact, it wasn’t until day 4 or 5 that it started to chip properly and that’s when I took it off, so it has fantastic lasting power, even without a top coat!
Green Tea is definitely one of my favourite varnishes from my recent haul. It only cost £2.50 in the sale which is incredible value for money, but even at £5.00 full-price it is still worth it. Models Own nail varnishes are available online, or in most Boots stores.
What do you think of this shade?
Naomi x
Wow! What a stunning colour! I’ve yet to try Models Own polishes but this makes me want to go buy some.
Ra ♥
They’re one of my favourite brands, as well as Barry M… The quality is amazing! Let me know if you do buy any
If you like glitters then Models Own Disco Mix is a must have.
Thanks for commenting x
Wow, that’s stunning! Wearing this won’t go unnoticed.
Thanks, and indeed it won’t! My dad was particularly taken by it when he saw it haha.
Naomi x
So cool that your dad notices your nail polish. If mine does, it’s usually because he doesn’t like it at all. My dad is not a huge fan of nail polishes and he especially doesn’t like bright colours.
I love the colour!!
Thanks, me too
Such a pretty shade xx
great color!!
What a stunning color of green! Love.
That’s good value for money! I like the color as well!
Love the colour, I did a little haul of my own in the sale, haha
Ooh what colours did you go for?
Love that colour! I’m on Betty blue with facing queen over the top at the moment! Love!
wow, this is so pretty!!
OH WOW. LOVE THIS!!!! It doesn’t look matte but it doesn’t look shiny (if that makes any sense!) Looks like a topcoat would make it shiny and lose effect tho
Defo need to get this one!