In honour of the forthcoming weekend I thought I’d give myself a day off from reviewing and post something a little bit different and fun today. I saw this tag post over at Nocturnal Beauty, and being the scholar that I am I thought I would give it a go. So, without further ado, here are my answers.
I learnt to read when I was three years old and am currently studying for a postgraduate degree in Modern Literature. As such, I have read hundreds and hundreds of books and find it next to impossible to choose just one favourite! My favourite books when I was a child were The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, Can’t You Sleep, Little Bear? by Martin Waddell and Mog the Forgetful Cat by Judith Kerr, and I still hold these books very close to my heart. In terms of ‘grown up’ books, I am a big fan of Working Class, Carnivalesque and Transgressive Fiction, as well as a few classics, and have many favourites. Some of these include Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, Millennium People by JG Ballard, The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks, The Magic Toyshop by Angela Carter and Saturday Night and Sunday Morning by Alan Sillitoe. The list could go on!
Since childhood I have always loved the quote ‘Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing’, by French artist Camille Pissarro. I can completely relate to what he means, and I always think of this quotation when I’m taking photographs, as it encourages me to try to photograph the beauty in ‘humble’ things.
Without a doubt, and you can probably guess what I’m about to say – English. I have been passionate about literature and words for as long as I can remember. As I mentioned before, I learnt to read (and write) when I was three years old. My grandma taught me, and she encouraged me to write stories and visit the library as often as possible, which I did, and I feel it really benefited me. This passion grew over the years, which has been reflected in my studies, in this blog, and in my aspirations for the future. I would love to write professionally one day, and that is what I’m working towards!
This is a tricky one and I can’t answer it, because I like both. On the one hand, I enjoy being creative and am fascinated with the Pre-Raphaelite art movement. Every time I visit London my first stop is usually the Tate gallery so I can sit and stare at my favourite paintings, but I am also intrigued by science. Science amazes me, and I regularly read about and research different scientific topics, particularly space related ones, and I truly believe that some of the most significant people to have ever inhabited this planet have been, and are, scientists.
5. 5 musical artists that changed your life?
This is a tricky one as so many bands and singers have had an effect on my life, so these are just a few:
1. Foo Fighters
– I’ve been a Foos fan since the late 90s, and I have been lucky enough to see them live twice. The last time I saw them was in Milton Keynes last July with my partner, and when they sang my favourite song, Everlong, with fireworks going off in the background, on a warm, breezy Summer night, I felt elated. The moment was just perfect and will stay with me forever.
2. Kate Bush
– For some unknown reason, I have never been much of a fan of female vocals, with the exception of Kate Bush. When I was about four I used to put my mum’s Kate Bush vinyl records on and dance around, and I really think Kate Bush’s songs helped to shape who I am today. I love her quirky personality, and I think it rubbed off on me a little bit through her music.
3. Oasis
– I remember sitting in the back of my dad’s car when I was very small, windows down, sun out, Oasis playing very loud. When I think back to the music I was brought up with, Oasis played a big part in shaping my musical tastes. They were one of my dad’s favourite bands and in time they came to mean a lot to me too. In 2009 I was lucky enough to see them live, with my dad, a few weeks before they split up and I’m so pleased I got to see them!
4. Mike Oldfield
– Mike Oldfield is, in my eyes, a musical genius and Tubular Bells III is my favourite composition. It gives me goosebumps every time I listen to it, and Far Above The Clouds even makes me cry… Not many songs can do that!
5. Depeche Mode, T.Rex and Pink Floyd
– I’m cheating on this one, but all three of these bands have had a massive impact on me at various stages in my life. My favourite songs when I was a baby were by Depeche Mode, and T.Rex and Pink Floyd both opened my eyes when I was younger to a wider variety of music.
6. Favourite and least favourite subject at school?
My favourite subjects at school were English, Science and History, and they were all areas in which I excelled (amongst others). I never really enjoyed PE, Dance or Drama as I was very shy and quiet at school and always got so nervous about having to perform or join in with group activities!
7. Favourite celeb with a brain?
Hmm… This is a difficult one as I don’t have many ‘favourite’ celebrities, but I’d have to say Joseph Gordon-Levitt. A number of years ago he set up his own online collaborative production company called hitRECord (which I’m a member of), where collaborators can put together joint creative pieces such as books, songs, films and illustrations, and any profits are shared between the contributing artists. I really admire the effort and passion he puts into hitRECord, and it’s not often you see a celebrity giving something back to society, joining in, enjoying it and being a ‘Regular Joe’.
8. If you could study anything anywhere, what would it be?
If I wasn’t studying English, I’d like to study some sort of animal care. I used to want to be a Veterinary Surgeon, but now I think I’d prefer to work with animals in the wild. Maybe researching the intelligence of Dolphins and Whales, or something like that.
9. What is your ‘nerdy little secret’?
It’s not so much a secret, but I am obsessed with Batman. I grew up watching the old Batman films, and now that the newer, darker films are out there I like to think Batman has matured and grown up with me! I even collect Batman related things, and have lots of Batman clothes and accessories, and even a Batman mug and glass that only I’m allowed to drink from haha.
10. Favourite beauty gurus who you admire for more than their love for beauty/fashion?
Another difficult one, but because she shares my love for English and literature and all things nerdy, I’ll say Claire from Nocturnal Beauty who I got this tag from
11. If your channel couldn’t focus on beauty/fashion, what would it be?
I’d either write about vegetarian cooking and baking, or literature and film.
12. Name some things that you’re obsessed with that other people would find strange.
Bats! I remember posting about this a couple of months ago, but I adore bats. I often go on bat walks and listen to bats ‘talking’ using detectors which pick up their sonar. I think they are very interesting animals and I like to learn as much about them as possible. I always get so excited when I see one flying about! We used to have a few nesting in our garden which was fantastic, and for some reason they just make me feel calm and happy. They’re beautiful, gentle creatures, despite what people may think.
I also have a thing for magic, particularly sleight of hand and close up magic. My favourite magician is Pete Firman and every time he comes to Leicester to perform I go and see him!
Oh and when I was younger I was obsessed with dinosaurs, fossils, rocks and crystals, and I still have a soft spot for them.
13. Name 5 people who inspire you (not friends or family)
1. Dave Grohl, because I admire his confidence, humour and outlook on music.
2. Kate Bush, because she’s a strong, successful woman and remains true to herself.
3. Jonnie Peacock, because last night he won gold in the Paralympics Men’s 100m final for Team GB, and I admire him for not letting his ‘disability’ stop him achieving highly.
4. Wynn Bullock, because his outstanding black and white film photography inspires me to be the best photographer I can be.
5. Vladimir Nabokov, because he wrote what I think is the best opening chapter of any book ever.
14. Who is your intellectual soulmate?
To be confirmed…
I hope you enjoyed reading my answers! Please feel free to do this tag yourself if you feel like it. Let me know if you do 
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