Posts tagged Music
Kate Bush: Before The Dawn
2Yesterday was a very special day for me, as I went to see Kate Bush perform live – something I never thought I’d have the chance to do. I’ve been listening to Kate Bush’s music for as long as I can remember. At the age of three I would put on my mum’s Kate Bush records and dance around to them, and her music has always provided comfort to me during tough times, but also so much happiness. But considering that her first and last tour occurred eleven years before I was even born, and knowing her reservations about touring, I never even dreamed I’d get to hear her music live. So when it was announced earlier this year that she’d be doing a 22-date run at the Eventim Apollo in Hammersmith, I couldn’t quite believe it, but I was incredibly excited. Luckily for me, I’ve been a member of Kate’s mailing list for years, which meant I received an access code to the fan ticket presale, and as soon as they went on sale I snapped up four tickets as quickly as I could. When the tickets eventually went on general sale they completely sold out in less than fifteen minutes, leaving many people disappointed, so I feel so lucky to have got them.
Before The Dawn at Eventim Apollo in Hammersmith
During the run up to the show the media was buzzing with news about Kate’s first live performance in 35 years, but I managed to avoid hearing much about the show, so it would remain a big surprise, and after weeks of building excitement, the day I got to see Kate Bush finally came around! I won’t say much about the show as I don’t want to spoil it for anyone, but it was so much more than just a concert. Obviously there was music, but there was also a theme, spectacular theatre, film and props. It was magical, and the mood in the room was really positive and infectiously happy. Kate’s voice is still just as melodic and soul-touching as it always was, and she’s incredibly beautiful in every way. She’s a born performer and her stage presence is quite something, and the best part was that she clearly enjoyed every second of the show just as much as the audience did. I feel so privileged to have been in the same room as Kate Bush and to have heard some of my favourite songs performed live. It was honestly one of the best moments of my life and I’ll never forget it.
Naomi x
My Summer So Far
0Evening everyone, I hope you’ve all been enjoying the Great British summer so far. I’m not usually a sun worshipper, but I’ve actually been really enjoying the hot weather this year… Probably because it’s been so long since we last had a bit of sun! Get ready for some good ol’ summer storms though (my favourite!), they’re on their way.
On a different note, I can’t quite believe it’s been more than a month since I last posted on here. I guess that just shows how busy I’ve been though, as I’m not usually one for abandoning my little blog. I’ve missed it, and I’ve missed you too! Lately my weekdays have been filled with the monotony of writing my postgraduate dissertation, which is twice as long as the undergraduate one I did two years ago. So as I’m sure you can understand, when considering the planning, supervisor meetings, intensive research and 20,000 word limit I have to reach by September, I’m left with very little free time for other forms of writing. I’m getting through it though, so hopefully I’ll be around a bit more in the near future, and things will definitely be back to normal in less than two months time.
It’s not all been hard work though, I’ve also been having a lot of weekend fun, some of which I’ll tell you about now…
30th June – Race for Life
At the end of June I ran the Race for Life in memory of my Grandad, with my sister, her best friend, and her best friend’s cousin. It was a fairly hot day and we were all expecting to walk most of it, but we surprised ourselves and ran around 4 kilometres, on and off, of the 5 kilometre distance, speed walking the rest. We all had a lot of fun and the atmosphere on the day was really lively and exciting. I managed to raise over £110 in total for Cancer Research UK, so a big thank you goes out to everyone who sponsored me.
13th July – Friend’s Wedding
Last weekend my partner and I went to our friend’s wedding reception, and it was lovely and quirky, and all outside. There was a vintage tea party in the afternoon, a curry buffet at night, pick n mix sweets to help yourself to, great music, sunny weather, huge garden games (I particularly enjoyed the big buzzer game) and brilliant company.
I didn’t get any good pictures of my outfit, but this is what I wore…
Cat Dress – H&M – £14.99
Clutch – Irregular Choice – £7.00 (from TK Maxx)
Black Suedette Shoe Boots – New Look – £15.99
20th July – Tramlines Festival
Yesterday, my dad, my partner and I headed up to Sheffield for the Tramlines Festival. The festival happens every year and is usually free, but it cost £6 this year which is still amazingly cheap. We went specifically to see two of our favourite bands – Amplifier and 65daysofstatic – but we also saw a few other bands which we enjoyed. The highlight of the day for me was 65daysofstatic’s Sleepwalk City installation at the Millennium Gallery, which involved a half hour live set accompanied by projected videos and surround sound. According to the Tramlines website, the installation explored ‘submersion, noise, and the collapse of everything’, and it was absolutely INCREDIBLE. Such an awe-inspiring experience that I’d love to repeat. Amplifier were as excellent as ever too, and they sang one of my favourite songs which is always a bonus.
Here are a couple of photos from the day that my dad took on his iPhone…
So that’s me! Busy, busy, but I have a backlog of products to review, a few Thrifty Finds to share with you and potentially a VIP event to attend, so keep an eye out for lots of exciting posts coming to Bewitchery soon.
What have you been doing with your summer so far?
Naomi x
Beauty Vs Brains Tag
6In honour of the forthcoming weekend I thought I’d give myself a day off from reviewing and post something a little bit different and fun today. I saw this tag post over at Nocturnal Beauty, and being the scholar that I am I thought I would give it a go. So, without further ado, here are my answers.
1. Favourite Book
2. Favourite Quotation?
3. English or Maths?
4. Science or Art?
5. 5 musical artists that changed your life?
1. Foo Fighters
– I’ve been a Foos fan since the late 90s, and I have been lucky enough to see them live twice. The last time I saw them was in Milton Keynes last July with my partner, and when they sang my favourite song, Everlong, with fireworks going off in the background, on a warm, breezy Summer night, I felt elated. The moment was just perfect and will stay with me forever.
2. Kate Bush
– For some unknown reason, I have never been much of a fan of female vocals, with the exception of Kate Bush. When I was about four I used to put my mum’s Kate Bush vinyl records on and dance around, and I really think Kate Bush’s songs helped to shape who I am today. I love her quirky personality, and I think it rubbed off on me a little bit through her music.
3. Oasis
– I remember sitting in the back of my dad’s car when I was very small, windows down, sun out, Oasis playing very loud. When I think back to the music I was brought up with, Oasis played a big part in shaping my musical tastes. They were one of my dad’s favourite bands and in time they came to mean a lot to me too. In 2009 I was lucky enough to see them live, with my dad, a few weeks before they split up and I’m so pleased I got to see them!
4. Mike Oldfield
– Mike Oldfield is, in my eyes, a musical genius and Tubular Bells III is my favourite composition. It gives me goosebumps every time I listen to it, and Far Above The Clouds even makes me cry… Not many songs can do that!
5. Depeche Mode, T.Rex and Pink Floyd
– I’m cheating on this one, but all three of these bands have had a massive impact on me at various stages in my life. My favourite songs when I was a baby were by Depeche Mode, and T.Rex and Pink Floyd both opened my eyes when I was younger to a wider variety of music.
6. Favourite and least favourite subject at school?
7. Favourite celeb with a brain?
8. If you could study anything anywhere, what would it be?
9. What is your ‘nerdy little secret’?
10. Favourite beauty gurus who you admire for more than their love for beauty/fashion?

11. If your channel couldn’t focus on beauty/fashion, what would it be?
12. Name some things that you’re obsessed with that other people would find strange.
13. Name 5 people who inspire you (not friends or family)
1. Dave Grohl, because I admire his confidence, humour and outlook on music.
2. Kate Bush, because she’s a strong, successful woman and remains true to herself.
3. Jonnie Peacock, because last night he won gold in the Paralympics Men’s 100m final for Team GB, and I admire him for not letting his ‘disability’ stop him achieving highly.
4. Wynn Bullock, because his outstanding black and white film photography inspires me to be the best photographer I can be.
5. Vladimir Nabokov, because he wrote what I think is the best opening chapter of any book ever.
14. Who is your intellectual soulmate?
I hope you enjoyed reading my answers! Please feel free to do this tag yourself if you feel like it. Let me know if you do
Naomi x