Posts tagged Women

Beauty Stocking Fillers for £5 and Under


This year seems to have gone incredibly fast, and Christmas is almost upon us.  I’m sure by now we are all well into our Christmas shopping (I’ve been extremely organised this year and only have a couple of bits left to get!), but I thought I’d put together a few festive themed posts over the next week or two to help with that last-minute rush.  I have spent a while lately trawling the shops and internet for stocking filler ideas, so today’s post features my pick of the best beauty stocking fillers for £5 and under.

Stocking Fillers 2

Clockwise from Top Left:

Orly Nail Polish £3.99 from Fragrance Direct / Lacura Aqua Moisture Cream £1.99 from ALDI / SuperDrama Mascara £5.00 (was £10.00) from Avon / Halo Futuristic Nail Glitter £4.50 from ASOS / Denman Small Styling Brush £4.99 from Fragrance Direct / Ginger Sparkle Hand Cream £4.00 from The Body Shop / Momiji Mini Gift Set £5.00 from M&S / 3 in 1 Nail Art Pearl Gem Pen £4.50 from Claire’s / MUA Luxe Velvet Lip Lacquer £3.00 from MUA / MUA Luxe Glitter Palette £4.00 from MUA / Montagne Jeunesse Strawberry Souffle Face Mask £0.99 from New Look / Snow Fairy Shower Gel £3.50 for 100g from LUSH / Metal Eyelash Curler £3.25 from John Lewis

I hope you all find this edit helpful!  If you have any £5 or under stocking filler ideas to add, please comment below as I’d love to see what you’ve come across.

Check back soon for my next Christmas post, featuring Spend and Save Christmas Gift ideas.

Happy Shopping!

Naomi x

Who Made Your Pants? Needs YOUR Help!


Wonderful women of all shapes and sizes, this little post is aimed at YOU!

Who Made Your Pants? are a Southampton-based lingerie company who hand-craft amazing, ethical pants for amazing women.  But they’re not just any lingerie brand, they’re a campaigning lingerie brand, which is what makes them very special.  The company creates rewarding jobs for vulnerable women from all over the world, and gives them a chance to learn useful new skills.  To keep costs low so that they can put more money back in to wages, training, support and advice, Who Made Your Pants? use material sold off by the lingerie industry at the end of the season to make their pants, and they can tell you exactly who made every pair of pants that they sell.

I’m sure you’d all agree that Who Made Your Pants? are an incredible brand, so in order to keep up the good work, WMYP need to keep selling lovely pants to amazing women like you!  There are many different designs and colours of pants available to buy from Who Made Your Pants?, starting at just £12.50 per pair.  So, if you can spare a few pounds, please consider purchasing a pair of pretty panties, not only for yourself but to help the brand and the women who work there!  Also, please pass on the word about Who Made Your Pants? in any way you can (blog post, Twitter, Facebook, through friends), as word of mouth is a powerful tool.

Here are just a few of my favourite pairs of pants from the Who Made Your Pants? website…

Brilliant Black – £12.50

Pirate Pink – £23.00

Something Blue – £18.00

Perfectly Pretty Light Purple – £18.00

Black and Caramel – £25.00

You can also buy gift sets, gift vouchers and even yearly pant subscriptions!

Thanks for reading, and please don’t forget to spread the word about Who Made Your Pants?!

Naomi x

PS. You can also follow Who Made Your Pants? on Twitter and ‘Like’ them on Facebook!

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